Saturday, October 29, 2005


You ever been to Ranganathan street, T.nagar? ( or for that matter, any crowded shopping street, anywhere in the world)

That's how life is. While u stand there, life moves about you, swirling everywhere around you.

Fast, unstoppable, always on the move.

And it brings various people into your contact. Some of them, smiling at you as u look at them, some of them - angry at you for being there. Some of them, would hold you as the rush catches you unbalanced, and yet, some of them would try to pick pocket you. And the funny part is that life does not wait for your reaction. You can decide to be frustrated, angry, decide to just let it go and enjoy yourself - who cares? - apart from you? and the bigger question - whom does it affect - apart form ONLY YOU ? :)

Enjoy yourself while the rush lasts.. For one moment, suddenly, you will notice that the shops are shutting down, the swirling people getting thinner and you know you have to get out of the street, and it will shock you that you have not done anything at all, but tried to react to something which did not matter at all. And what mattered - you never came to doing anything that mattered, because u were very busy reacting at life. :)

So go ahead, live life king-size. Let life do it's salsa all around you. Take it into your hands and jive with it. Dance with it. Make it dance with you, synchronized with the beautiful steps. DO not laugh at it, laugh with it. And make the best of it. And i know you would come out as chirpy as always.

------------ Wrote this in reponse to a birthday announcement mail ( from some one who knew i wud forget her b'day :) ) The content of that mail is also worth blogging.. but wud not do it for "privileged communication" excuse :)-------------------


  1. Good to c u back in action! :)
    Some kind of diwali shopping?

  2. Lol....i beg to differ. It was'nt a b'day announcement mail! It was a post-b'day guilt inducing one!
    Nice to see that ur blog is alive...tad better than mine.
    Deleting comments....wonder what that was all about...interesting...
    Privileged communication may be blogged, 'after' removing all references to persons known and unknown. Anonymity is the keyword.
    Yikes, all this techno jargon is affecting my language. I seem to breathe java these days. Absolutely no eloquence. Even my mails sound like grocery lists! I these comment thingys have a word limit. I could go on and on...and pretend this was my own personal blogging space!

  3. What a comeback!!!!!!

    Wish you all a very very belated happy diwali.. There is a saying in Hindi - Har din diwali. Hope this is the same for you all.

    You know ME, you have used the redundancy funda in your blog (again i might add). Any shopping place is always crowded, no matter where in world you are. And about standing, you do realise that you NEVER stop while life moves about you. Especially while shopping.

    Fast? yes, unstoppable? no. Heard about Sarojini Nagar and Pahadganj in Delhi? The life stopped there. At least for a day. The undying human spirit was back in action but it did stop. Just like a cardiac arrest. The heart stops, giving you a chance - whether to die or fight the encompassing death.

    Rush? hmmm, maybe. But think before you try to savour the rush. REACT all you can, with all your might. THAT IS WHAT MAKES HUMANS DIFFERENT FROM MACHINES.

    living life king-size. now there is something you ought to do. AT LEAST once in your life.

  4. Hey Agnostia..good to see you back!
    too silent these days?

  5. Na.. just too engrossed with the complexities known as responsibilities. Stopped dreaming, feeling, thinking, thus stopped blogging.

    Anyways. Life by Me was much better than his elephant jokes and Laws of Nature. Incidentally I had those laws forwarded at least five times!!!!!

  6. Na.. just too engrossed with the complexities known as responsibilities. Stopped dreaming, feeling, thinking, thus stopped blogging.

    Anyways. Life by Me was much better than his elephant jokes and Laws of Nature. Incidentally I had those laws forwarded at least five times!!!!!

  7. NO one's been visiting my blog (one that hasn't been updated for over two months) :-((((

  8. You evil ghost, I dint even know you blogged :((

    Sorry Sir, you'd commented on my abandoned blogspot blog... The current blog is (and has been for months now)

  9. Atticus,

    What's life without some little surprises... Work still takes most of my time and half of my butt.. but i still manage..

    how've u been sir ? :)

  10. Thank you formula 1 girl... Hoping to see u visit my blog more number of times !! :)
